About me

My Wife and IMichael Mariscal

My major is Computer Science. This is my first semester at BYU-Idaho. I recently finished two years of community college down at College of Southern Nevada. I was born and raised in Las Vegas, Nevada.

Some of my favorite hobbies are:

I have been a member just a little over a year. I was introduced to the church through my girlfriend at the time who is now my wife. My one year mark of being a member happened to land on my wedding day. To me, September 5th has a special meaning to me now since there is so many things that can be celebrated on that day.

Something interesting that I collect is movie posters and baseball cards. I worked at a movie theatre so I had the option to take any posters since they would be thrown in the trash. And for the baseball cards, I have collected them since I was a kid and I just love to see the generation of baseball and how it has evolved.